Friday, March 23, 2012

What is Blood..

The few happy days we have Sophie... our vacations in the Kururugi Shrine with Kaguya, Nunnally, Suzaku and Lelouch, vacations with our cousins and friends are the best part of the year to me, and seeing you smiling is what makes me most happy... all I need is you being happy. Because you are all to me Sophie, you and our mother, that's all that matters to me.

But the dark days... when all we have is our mother and ourselves...why?, because of blood... what is it really? father says we are lucky for having part of his blood... but that our half-brothers will always be better than us for having 100% britannian blood.

The first time I thought about it I searched in the dictionary, it said:"Blood: a specialized bodily fluid that delivers substances to the body's cells and transports waste products away from those same cells."it wasn`t enough, was britannian blood superior than the japanese one?, I kept searching, then I found a magazine called "Purist faction", it was in our elder`s brother room. It said that Britannian blood was really superior to any other kind of blood, that was why Britannia was really succesful conquering territories. But... the images in that magazine... people living in terrible conditions... women, men and children.... just like me and Sophie, just after that my halfbrother caught me in his room, though I was quite strong for my age he gave me one of the hardest beating I have ever had...

But people who does and allows things like that is not worth, they are indecent people. It was not ok, God would have never wanted something like that... so I kept searching, now in books, but in all those books, I found several definitions, but things related about kinds of blood being superiors...

-"temperament; state of mind: a person of hot blood. "

-"descent from a common ancestor; ancestry; lineage: related by blood."

-"recorded and respected ancestry; purebred breeding. "

-"in cold blood, deliberately; ruthlessly: The dictator, in cold blood, ordered the execution of all his political enemies."

-"make one's blood boil, to inspire resentment, anger, or indignation: Such carelessness makes my blood boil."

-"make one's blood run cold, to fill with terror; frighten: The dark, deserted street in that unfamiliar neighborhood made her blood run cold."

-"taste blood, to experience a new sensation, usually a violent or destructive one, and acquire an appetite for it: Once the army had tasted blood, there was no preventing them from winning by a wide margin."

-" person or group regarded as a source of energy, vitality, or vigor"

Purebred... just because my mother was born in japan and my father was born in Britannia my blood is not ok?... I can fight, I can read, study, draw, I am good at sports and can write. What does make me inferior to anyone then?. And Sophie, how could she be bad, inferior or less than anyone just because of her blood?...after all that research I got my own answer:

. blood means nothing...

And discriminate people because of their blood is just a nosense and stupid act!...People who does such a despicable act must pay for making others suffer!. Sophie... for hurting you and our mother! *gets agitated* but this... this is not Britannia's fault, it is their fault... not everyone is equal, the emperor`s knows it! I know not everyone thinks in the way our father does...but he and our half-brothers... *full of hate and contempt* they must pay!... I`ll make them pay for it.. I will protect you both... because without you I`m nothing. and I swear I`ll go over anything to achieve it!

by Rai Hodges Sumeragi on Monday, 9 August